A well-designed and built Tennis Court Maintenance, with adequate drainage, is key to extending the life of the surface. A functional drainage system channels excess water away from the court, and must be regularly examined for blockages or damage that can cause water to flow back onto the surface. Grass, trees and plants growing next to your court can be trimmed back regularly to prevent them from hanging over the surface and blocking drainage outlets. Fertilizers, insect repellants, weed killers or other chemicals should never be used on the court as they can damage the coatings.
Crucial Steps for Year-Round Tennis Court Care
Stains and organic matter such as leaves, pine needles, bugs and moss, accumulate on low spots and shaded areas of the court and provide ideal conditions for mildew and mould to grow. Regular sweeping with a brush, vacuuming and power washing (with appropriate water pressure limits) will help to eliminate these issues. A mold treatment solution, suitable for the type of court, can also be applied annually to kill any spores and mould growth.
The tarmac and concrete base of your tennis court can develop cracks over time, mainly due to ground movement and sinking and the positioning of tree roots. These should be repaired promptly to avoid further cracking and subsidence. Regular inspections by a sport surfacing professional will identify any problems early and allow them to be rectified before they become serious. This can save a lot of money and extend the lifespan of your surface.