Finger printing is the process of printing a person’s fingerprint at a laboratory. A finger print is simply an impression left by a finger onto a surface. The recovery of full fingerprints from a crime scene can be a valuable technique of forensic science due to its ability to pinpoint the finger that was used to commit a crime. Fingerprints left on moistened surfaces, such as those found in a car accident or at the bottom of a shoe, are difficult to remove from fingerprint impressions. A high quality, professionally applied, authentic Charlotte finger printing team can make it possible to recover full impressions from any finger.
Finger Print Recognition Process and Parameters
In the past, the only way to obtain fingerprints from a crime scene was through the collection of impression evidence or the collecting of small portions of finger print material from the crime scenes of various incidents. Fingerprint evidence was collected using tweezers or other collecting devices from the prints on the scene of the crime. The problem with this approach is that many, if not all, of the impression evidence from a crime scene will have been influenced by water. This means that any fingerprint evidence that may be available will probably have been affected by water or moisture.
Professional experts in the field of finger printing have developed methods that do not require the use of moisture-sensitive materials, such as water or other easily affected surfaces, and that preserve the quality of any fingerprint evidence for years to come. These experts use high quality industrial machines to create a permanent imprint of the finger print on any smooth, wet surface – eliminating the need for the traditional hand impression evidence collection methods. The results of using a high quality commercial machine is that there is virtually no limit as to the number of impressions that can be produced. This is particularly useful in a situation where a witness wishes to provide testimony against a defendant, but needs to keep the witness’ identity confidential.