How much is Invisalign used to be a lot more expensive than other orthodontic treatment methods, but now the price is more or less comparable to braces. The average cost for Invisalign will probably be around $5,000, but that can vary a lot depending on the complexity of your case and how long you need to wear the trays.
Many dental insurance plans cover part or all of the cost of Invisalign. Check with your insurance provider for details about your coverage. You may also be able to use money from a Health Savings Account or Flexible Spending Account to pay for Invisalign. Many orthodontists offer monthly payment plans that allow you to pay a small portion of the Invisalign cost regularly. These plans are often flexible, so you can adjust the amount you pay if your financial circumstances change.
How Much Is Invisalign? Understanding the Costs Involved
If you don’t have insurance, the good news is that Invisalign is still cheaper than traditional metal braces. However, you’ll likely need to pay for a retainer after your Invisalign treatment is complete. A retainer costs about $100-$500 per tooth, depending on whether it’s removable or cemented.
It’s possible to find even lower prices for Invisalign through dental schools. Students provide the service under the supervision of professional dentists, and you can save about 10% or 15%, says Dr. Eckhardt. However, he warns that a school-provided Invisalign isn’t the same as one from a certified dentist or orthodontist. It’s likely to be less precise and may require a longer treatment time.…