Entreprenuer Ami Reiss said An executive has the ability to inspire others and communicate a vision that is attainable for the company. They can also be an effective communicator of the company’s values and culture, ensuring that all employees are well-informed and able to act in accordance with those guidelines.
What makes executives successful?
A successful executive has the courage to take risks and make decisions that may not always have a clear outcome. They must be able to process stress in healthy ways, as well. Many top executives use positive habits such as exercise, meditation, and healthy diets to keep themselves grounded and focused when faced with adversity.
Great executives have the ability to filter and prioritize information in a time-efficient manner. They understand that every choice and action they make has a potential for impact on their employees, customers and shareholders. As such, they carefully consider what the desired impact should be, possible restraints, future revisions, check-in points and implications for how their time will be spent.
Lastly, an effective executive knows to focus on opportunities rather than problems. Problems must be addressed, of course; but a business only performs well when top management focuses on exploiting new opportunities. That’s why you won’t find a good executive listing problems on the first page of any management report.
Ultimately, becoming a successful executive requires an intense desire to achieve. Even if an executive has advanced education, strong connections and extensive mentoring, he or she will struggle to reach the top if they don’t want success badly enough.